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Knowledge Centre Search
How does a Network Operator view all current blocks applied to cardholders on their Network?
This article details how a Network Operator can view all current blocks applied to cardholders on their Network.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: Currently Blocked
Click on the Currently Blocked shortcut on the Main Dashboard. Alternatively this can also be accessed by going to the People Tab and choosing the Current Blocks shortcut.
Step 3: Blocks listing
A list of the current blocks applied on the Network will appear.
Step 4: Search Criteria
The listing can be refined by the search criteria fields., such as block type, reason or RIW number. Show current only or Show all can also be toggled. Once they have been set, click on the Search button
Step 5: Blocks Awaiting Review
Where a Review Date has been set for a block, when that date is reached, the blocked record can be found within the Awaiting Review tab.
Only a Network Operator or the RIW Service Desk have permission to lift Network blocks. Please refer to the RIW Knowledge Centre article How does a Network Operator place or lift a block on a cardholder?
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