Below you will find a range of training, instructional and support information for using the RIW System. You can browse the various categories, or type keywords into the search box. If you are new to RIW, please view the Getting Started category.
Knowledge Centre Search
- About the RIW System
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How to set up and use self swipe in the RIW App
This article has been developed to assist those RIW cardholders that have self swipe permission for the RIW App.
Self Swipe access for RIW Cardholders has to be granted by an administrator and configured in the RIW System.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Helpdesk
- Access Controllers
- Spot Checkers
- myRIW - RIW Cardholder
Step 1: Open the RIW App
Open the RIW App on your device by clicking on the icon.
Step 2: Load your Card
Load your RIW Card either by scanning your physical card or by accessing your virtual card in in Vircarda.
Step 3: Vircarda - 2 Step Authentication
Selecting the Vircarda option will prompt the request for 2 step authentication which can be sent via SMS or email. Once the code has been entered, click the OK button
Step 4: Network Setup
Select the Network for your site and click the Proceed button.
Step 5: Project, Site and Zone Setup
Select the Project, Site and Zone (if applicable) and click the Proceed button.
Step 6: Access via your Card
Either click on the virtual card that has been loaded or scan your physical card.
Step 6: Swipe in/Out
Either click on the Swipe In/Out icon.
The Location for the swipe in can be changed at this point by clicking on the Location icon.
Step 7: Confirm Job Role
Select the appropriate Job Role. Once this has been completed, Click the Confirm Swipe button.
Step 8: Confirmation of Swipe In
The following screen should appear to confirm that the swipe has been successful.
Step 9: Next Step
As the app has recorded the cardholder as swiped in, the next step is Swipe Out of Site and this this the option that the app will offer.
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