Below you will find a range of training, instructional and support information for using the RIW System. You can browse the various categories, or type keywords into the search box. If you are new to RIW, please view the Getting Started category.
Knowledge Centre Search
- About the RIW System
- Administration
- Blocks & Suspensions
- Business Rules & Matrices
- Cardholder Management
- Competency Management
- eLearning
- ID Checks
- Job Role Management
- Logins & Passwords
- Medicals and Drug & Alcohol
- Network Management
- Messaging
- Payments
- Premium Functionality
- Projects, Sites & Zones
- Reporting
- Reporting - Power BI
- RIW Cards
- Swipes & Shifts
- System Notifications
- Visitor Management
- Work Restrictions & Risk Assessments
What user roles or permissions are there in the RIW System?
The permissions associated with what each user role can do in the RIW System is found in the RIW User Role Permission Matrix, attached at the end of this article.
In summary, the following RIW System user roles are available:
- Client Manager
- Helpdesk
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Employer Admin - Premium Functionality
- Employer Admin - Premium Functionality - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Premium Functionality - Read Only
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Advanced Project Admin
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Medical Provider User (Authorised Health Professional)
- Training Provider User (Registered Training Organisation)
- Assessor
- Access Controller
- Spot Checker
- Rail Industry Worker (myRIW)
- Hardware (Kiosks, breathalysers etc.)
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Send feedbackWhat happens if an RIW System User goes on leave?
RIW System Users have the ability to create additional RIW System Users for their organisation, enabling coverage during periods of leave etc. For detailed instructions on how to add additional RIW System Users, please refer to RIW Knowledge Centre article How can a company manage colleague logins or add another RIW System User?
Please note, the RIW System User will continue to receive system notification emails such as cardholder subscription expiries, medical and competency expiry notifications etc. unless they switch off notifications in their Communication Preferences in the RIW System.
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Send feedbackWhat is the maximum size for uploaded files and what format should they be in?
The maximum size of a singular file uploaded in the RIW System, such as competency evidence or rail health (medical) assessment, is 10 megabytes. Multiple file uploads are accepted, as long as each singular file does not exceed 10 megabytes.
Only files with *.jpg *.jpeg *.pdf and *.png extensions are permissible.
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Send feedbackHow does an RIW System User update their contact details?
RIW System users can update their contact details in the RIW System. If you are a Rail Industry Worker, please refer to our article How can a Rail Industry Worker update their contact details in myRIW?
It is important to always keep your contact details up to date to allow you to log in to the RIW System using two-factor authentication.
Assessors can update their contact details in myRIW.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
- Medical Provider User
1 | Go to and enter your Username and Password. Click Login. |
2 | Click on My Account > My Details. |
3 | On the Edit My Details screen, change contact details as required. Click Save. ![]() |
4 | Enter your password to confirm the changes. |
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Send feedbackHow does a company add or edit their contacts or offices in the RIW System?
This article details how a company can add or edit their contacts or offices, including office addresses, in the RIW System.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Helpdesk
1 | Go to and log in using your credentials. |
2 | Click on My Accounts > Edit My Offices/Contacts. |
3 | On the Details menu on the Edit Employer screen, you can provide information about your company which is useful information for the RIW Service Desk. Once complete, click Save. ![]() |
4 | On the Offices menu on the Edit Employer screen, you can add or edit offices. This can include street addresses or post boxes. When you order an RIW card for a Rail Industry Worker, you can elect to have it sent to your offices' address rather than being sent to the worker. ![]() |
5 | To add a new office, click on Add. Fill in the required fields, noting items marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. Click Save when complete. ![]() |
6 | To edit a current office, click on the office you wish to amend and Edit. ![]() On the Edit Office pop-up, amend the required fields, noting items marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. You can also click on Is Billing Address to make this the billing address for the company. Click Save when complete. ![]() |
7 | To remove an office from your company, click on the company and then Delete. ![]() You will be prompted to confirm your deletion of the record. Click OK. ![]() |
8 | On the Contacts menu on the Edit Employer screen, a list of current contacts will display. You can Add a new contact, Edit an existing contact, or Delete a contact. NOTE: Adding a new company contact does not automatically grant RIW System credentials. To do so, please refer to How can a company manage colleague logins or add another RIW System User? A contact is generally a person the RIW Service Desk can contact in regards to your company's participation in the RIW Program. A primary contact is the person who was appointed to manage the relationship with the RIW Program when the company was first registered in the RIW System. They agree to the Company Registration - Terms and Conditions and are the RIW Program's primary point of contact with your company. There can only be one primary contact for a company. ![]() |
9 | To add a new contact, click on Add. Fill in the details of the new contact, noting that fields with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. If you wish to make the contact a primary contact for the company, ensure you click the Is Primary Contact and Is Active checkboxes. Click Save. ![]() |
10 | To edit a current contact, click on the contact name and Edit. ![]() Update the details as required and click Save. ![]() |
11 | You can also delete old contacts by clicking on their name and Delete. ![]() You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the record. Click OK. ![]() The contact has now been deleted. |
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Send feedbackHow to complete a Statutory Declaration
A Statutory Declaration is a legal document that can be used to declare that a person has been known by a specific name that is different to their current legal name. A statutory Declaration can be lodged when a qualification or Statement of Attainment is in a different name of the RIW Profile.
A Statutory Declaration can be issued under Commonwealth legislation or state/territory legislation.
The instruction on how to lodge a Statutory Declaration on the RIW System can be found at the following link:
How does a company upload a statutory declaration to a cardholders RIW profile?
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin (Premium Functionality Employer)
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - No Payment (Premium Functionality Employer)
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Employer Admin - Read Only (Premium Functionality Employer)
- Helpdesk
- myRIW User (i.e. RIW cardholder)
Step 1: Statutory Declaration Forms
A Statutory Declaration can be issued under Commonwealth legislation or state/territory legislation.
The Statutory Declaration must be completed on the official form provided by the Commonwealth, state or territory.
NOTE: The Statutory Declaration form must be completed as per the legislation of the jurisdiction. Most Statutory Declaration forms have printed instructions to guide the declarant and the acceptor.
Example of a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration.
Step 2: Completion of a Statutory Declaration
A Statutory Declaration is a legal document and as such has mandatory information that must be included. This information must be checked and verified before the Statutory Declaration is accepted.
NOTE: If any of the following information from the declarant or the person that the Statutory Declaration is made before is missing, the Statutory Declaration cannot be accepted.
- The name and address of the declarant matches the information we have in the RIW System.
- The description of why the Statutory Declaration has been lodged is clear and concise.
- The form has been signed in the correct spot by the declarant.
- The place and date that the declaration was made.
- The form has been signed in the correct spot by the person before whom the declaration is made.
- Full name, qualifications and address of the person before whom the declaration is made. The address can be the professional/work address of this person (eg. the Police Station address.
- Check that the person before whom the declaration is made is qualified and listed as authorised (see list on the reverse of the Statutory Declaration form)
NOTE: The Statutory Declaration should be free of mistakes and the content should not be altered. If so, the Statutory Declaration cannot be accepted.
Step 3: Who completes a Statutory Declaration
Individuals can lodge Statutory Declarations.
The Statutory Declaration must be completed and lodged by the individual declaring a fact about their own circumstances. A Statutory Declaration cannot be made by a person about another person's circumstances.
NOTE: A company administrator cannot make a statutory declaration regarding the circumstances of one of their employees
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Send feedbackHow can a company update their primary contact?
This article details how a company can update the primary contact for their company in the RIW System.
A primary contact is the person who was appointed to manage the relationship with the RIW Program when the company was first registered in the RIW System. They agree to the Company Registration - Terms and Conditions and are the RIW Program's point of contact with your company.
When a primary contact leaves a company, they should transfer this responsibility to another colleague within the company.
A company must have a primary contact, and there can be only one primary contact.
NOTE: Adding a new company primary contact does not automatically grant RIW System credentials. To do so, please refer to How can a company manage colleague logins or add another RIW System User?
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Helpdesk
1 | Go to and log in using your credentials. |
2 | Click on My Account > Edit My Contacts/Offices. |
3 | On the Edit Employer screen, click on Contacts from the left-hand menu. A list of current contacts will display. You can Add a new contact, Edit an existing contact, or Delete a contact. ![]() |
4 | To add a new primary contact, click on Add. Fill in the details of the new primary contact, noting that fields with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. Ensure you click the Is Primary Contact and Is Active checkboxes. Click Save. ![]() |
5 | The new primary contact will be added and marked as the new primary contact. ![]() |
6 | You can now delete the old primary contact by clicking on their name and Delete. You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the record. Click OK. ![]() The contact has now been deleted. ![]() |
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