How does a company order an ID check for a cardholder?

An Employer Administrator for a company may need to order an ID check for a cardholder when:

NOTE: If you need to request an overseas ID check for a cardholder who can not provide Australian identification documents, please have a read of our RIW Knowledge Centre article How does a company submit a request for an overseas/international ID check?

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles: 

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and login using your credentials.

Step 2: Search for My People

Click on the People tab or the Search for My People shortcut on the main dashboard.

Step 3: Search for cardholder

Enter a search field or leave blank to bring up the entire workforce by clicking Search. Find the cardholder by highlighting their name and clicking on the Edit button

Step 4: ID Check Menu

Navigate to the ID check menu on the left hand side of the cardholders profile.

Step 5: Request ID Check

Click on Request ID check to commence the ID check.

Step 6: Resolve any missing information

The ID check will not progress if there is missing key information on the cardholders profile. The missing items are indicated by a red cross. Resolve any missing requirements before selecting Request ID check again.

Step 7: Pay for ID Check

After the ID check has been requested, the RIW system will prompt for payment.  Complete the payment by clicking on Checkout and following the prompts.

Step 8: Cardholder receives ID Check request

The cardholder will receive an email to commence their online ID check, and must complete it within 10 days of the request. If the cardholder does not complete it within 10 days, then a new ID check will need to be requested and paid for.

If the cardholder does not receive the email, the Employer Administrator can resend the ID check link at any time from the cardholders profile, from the ID check menu screen.

Note: Resending an ID check allows the workers a further 10 days to complete the ID check before the link expires. 

The cardholder will need to provide an acceptable identification document as part of their application. Please refer them to the article What identification documents does a cardholder require to complete an ID check? for more information.

Step 9: Monitor ID Check status

Once the ID check is complete, the cardholders profile will be updated to show the ID check was successful.  Both the Employer Administrator and the cardholder will receive status update emails through this process.

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What standard is required for a RIW identification photograph?

A cardholders photo is crucial to the usability and security of their Rail Industry Worker (RIW) card. If the photo does not meet the standards detailed below, the RIW card may not pass the ID check process and the company may need to order a new card with an appropriate photo for which a replacement card fee will be charged. 

Please ensure the photo uploaded conforms to the following requirements:

  • JPEG or PNG file format.
  • Less than 4 MB in size.
  • Of good quality and less than six months old.
  • Clear, focused image with no marks or 'red eye'.
  • Plain white or light grey background that contrasts the face.
  • Uniform lighting (no shadows or reflections) with appropriate brightness and contrast to show natural skin tone.
  • Face looking directly at the camera and not tilted in any direction.
  • Hair off the face so that the edges of the face are visible.
  • Eyes open, mouth closed.
  • Neutral expression (not smiling, laughing or frowning). 
  • Head coverings should be plain coloured and must be worn in such a way as to show the face from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead, and with the edges of the face visible.
  • Jewellery must not obscure any part of the face, especially the area around the eyes, mouth and nose. There must be no reflection from rings or studs.
  • Glasses are not allowed. In rare cases they may be permitted where glasses cannot be removed for medical reasons (e.g. severe light sensitivity or recent eye surgery). Vision impairment alone is not sufficient for medical exemption.

Note: A copy or scan of a driver’s licence, passport or photo ID will not be accepted.

Photo Examples

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How does a company manage a rejected ID check or resubmit an ID check?

If a cardholder has completed and failed, or missed the 10-day time frame to complete an ID check, the Employer Administrator will receive an email notifying them of the ID check rejection, including the reason for rejection. 

Note: a list of the most common rejected reasons has been included at the end of this article

This instruction applies to the following RIW System user roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin 
  • Employer Admin - No Payment
  • Helpdesk 

Step 1: Log onto RIW

Go to and log in using the Employer Administrator credentials.

Step 2: People tab

Click on the People tab or the Search For My People shortcut on the main dashboard.

Step 3: Search criteria

Enter the cardholder's details into the search field or leave it blank and click on search to bring up the workforce.  Select the cardholder by highlighting the cardholder's name and clicking on the edit button.

Step 4: ID Check tab

On the cardholder's profile, navigate to the ID check tab on the left-hand side menu.

Step 5: Failure reason

If the ID check failed due to not being completed by the cardholder within the allowable 10 days, then a new ID check must be requested.  The cardholder profile will display the following message in the details section: Application has surpassed 10 working days.

Click on Resubmit ID Check to be taken to the Shopping Basket to process payment for the re-submission of the ID check.

NOTE: It is important for Employer Administrators to monitor the progress of ID checks to prevent such a situation from occurring.  To do this, on the cardholder profile click the + History link, which will provide a summary of the ID check history (refer to step 11 below).

Step 6: Further actions

Where the ID check has been rejected due to another reason, the Employer Administrator will receive a notification by email, or alternatively, can review the Details: description on the ID check menu on the cardholder's profile.

In this example, the cardholder's surname did not match the identification provided during the ID check.

Any changes to the core details of a cardholder (which is the first name, surname or date of birth), must be made by the RIW Service Desk. In this instance, contact the Service Desk here to request an amendment to the cardholder profile.

Once amended, the Employer Administrator will then need to select the Resubmit ID check button in the cardholder profile to commence the process again (as per Step 6).

All other issues may be similarly resolved.  The RIW system will advise where the issue may be resolved without the assistance of the RIW Service Desk (for example, the identification document provided had expired).  In this case, the Employer Administrator will need to re-submit the ID check and advise the cardholder to provide an updated identification document.

Step 7: Shopping basket

After the ID check has been resubmitted, the Employer Administrator will be prompted for payment of the new ID check.

Step 8: Payment

Complete the payment via Card or Pay on Account (if applicable).

Step 9: Cardholder notification

The cardholder will receive an email to re-commence their online ID check. The cardholder will need to upload an acceptable identification document. For information about what documents the cardholder needs to supply, please refer to the article What identification documents does a cardholder require to complete an ID check?.

Step 10: ID check progress

The progress of the request can also be viewed on the cardholder's ID Check menu. Click on the + History link to display all the events/dates which occurred during the ID check.

Common rejected ID check reasons

If an ID check has been rejected there are four likely issues:

Minor name issues

Spelling or spacing discrepancies between the RIW system and the verification document. For example:

  • “Sam McDonald” has come from the RIW system but “Sam Mc Donald” appears on the licence.
  • “Jack O’Meara” has come from the RIW system but “Jack Omeara” appears in the licence.

In each case, note the space omission/addition and the omission of the apostrophe. These ID matches will be rejected as the name cannot be verified as correct.

Statutory Declaration used in place of an official “Change of Name” certificate

A statutory declaration from an individual who has anglicized their name, instead of an official change of name document. For example: 

  • “Nick Franklin” has come from the RIW system but “Nikolaus Franklin” appears on the licence.

It can be believed that he is known by “Nick” at work but considering the process defined, the ID check will be rejected as the ID and the name does not match.

Single Name

ID check was received with the same name in the first name, middle name and surname fields. For example 

  • “Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad” ID only had “Muhammad Muhammad” as the first name and surname.

These ID matches will be rejected as the name cannot be verified as the correct match.

Hyphenated Name

Confusion around first and middle names. For example: 

  • First name: “Anne”, middle name: ”Marie” coming from the RIW system and “Anne-Marie” appearing on an ID. 

These ID matches will be rejected as the name cannot be verified as a correct match.

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What identification documents does a cardholder require to complete an ID check?

To complete an ID check successfully for a Rail Industry Worker card, a person must provide one primary document OR one secondary document and one tertiary document, which must include a photo. 

If a cardholder provides an identity document using a former name, the cardholder must also provide evidence of the name change.

For more instructions, please refer to our article How does a cardholder complete an ID check?

Examples of acceptable identification documents

Primary document

  • Australian Passport – An Australian Passport that is current or expired up to 3 years. 
  • Australian Driver's Licence- A driver's licence issued by an Australian State or Territory. 
    • Must not be cancelled. In some jurisdictions, a hole punched licence indicates that it has been cancelled. 
    • Both the licence number and card number must be provided.
    • Must be current and valid.
    • If expired, it is still valid for an ID check in all jurisdictions except for:
      • Tasmania: Once a license has expired, it is no longer valid for ID checks.
      • Western Australia: Upon expiration of the license, a further 6 months is granted to allow for the license to be valid when submitted for an ID check.
  • Foreign Passport with Australian Visa - A foreign passport that has not expired with an Australian Visa that has not been cancelled, expired or was never issued (i.e. never arrived in Australia). In order for your visa to be verified, you must be onshore in Australia. 
  • New Zealand Drivers Licence - A driver's licence issued by the NZ Transport Agency.
  • New Zealand Passport - issued by the New Zealand government

Secondary document

  • Centrelink Card - A Centrelink Card issued by the Commonwealth, State, or Territory government. Must not be expired or cancelled.
  • Medicare Card - Must not be expired or cancelled. Temporary statements will not be accepted.

Tertiary document

  • Australian Proof Of Age Card - A Proof of Age Card that has been issued by an Australian State or Territory.
  • Firearm's Licence - A Firearm Licence issued under Australian Law.
  • Security Licence - A Security Licence issued under Australian Law.
  • Boat Operator Licence - A Boat Operator Licence issued under Australian Law.
  • Student Identification Card - A Student Identification Card issued by a tertiary education institution.

NOTE: Keypass identification is not an accepted tertiary document at this time. 

Change of name document

  • Australian Change Of Name Certificate - A Change of Name Certificate issued by the Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
  • Australian Marriage Certificate - A Marriage Certificate issued by an Australian State or Territory. Church or celebrant-issued certificates are not accepted.
  • Deed Poll - A Deed Poll issued by an Australian State or Territory.
  • Foreign Change of Name Certificate - A Change of Name Certificate issued in a foreign country.
  • Foreign Marriage Certificate - A Marriage Certificate issued in a foreign country.

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How does a company submit a request for an overseas/international ID check?

Where a new RIW cardholder does not have Australian identity documentation to undertake automatic identification verification with our ID verification service provider in the RIW System, an Overseas / International ID check must be requested through the RIW Service Desk. This identity verification is performed outside of the RIW System.  

The cost for this service request is $16.50 ($15.00+GST).

NOTE: This process does not validate a cardholders permission to work in Australia.

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and login using your credentials. 

Step 2: Create the cardholder's profile

To complete the creation of a cardholder's profile, please refer to the instructions here.

Please ensure the cardholders name match the identity documents exactly, which also includes any middle names. The photo uploaded to the new cardholder profile must also be less than 6 months old.

Step 3: Lodge a Service Request

To lodge an Overseas/International ID check, please complete the Overseas ID Check Service Request at  The cost for this service is $15.00+GST.

When lodging the Service Request, you will need to provide the following primary and secondary identification documentation:

  • Primary document - copy of foreign passport ID page or birth certificate (if birth certificate is presented, it must be accompanied by photo identification - Government issued ID card or drivers licence)
  • Secondary document - copy of bank statement or utility bill from the last 3 (three) months showing the cardholders full name and address. 
  • Address presented on document must not be on Australian shores, if document presented indicates an Australian address, please proceed with ordering a standard ID check through the RIW system. 


Click Pay now to complete and submit the Service Request.

The RIW Service Desk will process the check within 2 business days.

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How does a company view the completion status of an ID check?

After each stage of the ID check process, status emails are sent to both the system administrator who requested the ID check (e.g. Employer Admin), and the cardholder. The progress of the request can be viewed via the cardholders ID Check tab.   The status of the ID check can be viewed in this tab. 

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment
  • Employer Admin - Read Only

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and login using your credentials. 

Step 2: Search for My People

On the main dashboard, click on the Search for My People  shortcut.




Step 3: Search Criteria

Complete search criteria to find the cardholder and click on the Search button.



Step 4: Select cardholder

From the returned results, highlight the cardholder row and click on the Edit button.


Step 5: ID Check tab

Select the ID Check tab from the left hand side of the cardholder profile.

Step 6: ID check status result

The following screen shows the details displayed once the ID Check has reached the final ID Check Successful or ID Check Unsuccessful stage.

If an ID check was unsuccessful, please refer to the RIW Knowledge Centre article How does a company manage a rejected ID check or resubmit an ID check?

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How does a company find an ID check login link?

This article details how a company can find the ID check login link once an ID check has been ordered.  Cardholders may require this link if they have not received or deleted the initial ID check email sent to them.

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Helpdesk
  • Employer Administrator
  • Employer Administrator - No Payment
  • Employer Administrator - Read Only
  • Advanced Project Administrator

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and login using your credentials. 

Step 2: Search for My People

Click on the People tab or the Search for My People shortcut on the main dashboard.

Step 3: Search for cardholder

Enter a search field or leave blank to bring up the entire workforce by clicking Search. Find the cardholder by highlighting their name and clicking on the Edit button

Step 4: ID Check Menu

Navigate to the ID check menu on the left hand side of the cardholders profile.

Step 5: Obtain login URL

The login URL can be obtained by copying the link below. This can be provided to the cardholder to complete their ID check.

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How does an ID Check exempt company confirm an ID Check?

This article details how a company who has ID check exemption can confirm an ID Check has been performed for a Rail Industry Worker.

ID Check exemption is granted by the RIW Service Desk using very strict criteria. If you wish to discuss ID check exemption for your company, please email [email protected].

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment
  • Helpdesk


Go to and log in using your credentials.


Click Search for My People on the main dashboard and use the search filters to locate the Rail Industry Worker. Click on the their name and Edit.

You will be unable to view a Rail Industry Worker profile until they have accepted the employment request from your company.


On the Rail Industry Worker's profile, click on ID Check from the left-hand menu.

Once internal procedures have been followed to confirm ID check status, tick the ID Confirmed box and Save.


The Current Status will now show as ID Checked Successful, with the name of the user who confirmed the ID check recorded.


If a new cardholder, you can now order an RIW card and pay the cardholder subscriptionand finalise the Rail Industry Worker onboarding as detailed in How does a company add a new Rail Industry Worker to the RIW System?

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Summary of ID check failure causes

Common rejected ID check reasons

Occasionally, an ID check can be rejected, and here are some possible causes:

Minor name issues

Spelling or spacing discrepancies between the RIW system and the verification document. For example:

  • “Sam McDonald” has come from the RIW system but “Sam Mc Donald” appears on the licence.
  • “Jack O’Meara” has come from the RIW system but “Jack Omeara” appears in the licence.

In each case, note the space omission/addition and the omission of the apostrophe. These ID matches will be rejected as the name cannot be verified as correct.

Statutory Declaration used in place of an official “Change of Name” certificate

A statutory declaration from an individual who has anglicized their name, instead of an official change of name document. For example: 

  • “Nick Franklin” has come from the RIW system but “Nikolaus Franklin” appears on the licence.

It can be believed that he is known by “Nick” at work but considering the process defined, the ID check will be rejected as the ID and the name does not match.

Single Name

ID check was received with the same name in the first name, middle name and surname fields. For example 

  • “Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad” ID only had “Muhammad Muhammad” as the first name and surname.

These ID matches will be rejected as the name cannot be verified as the correct match.

Hyphenated Name

Confusion around first and middle names. For example: 

  • First name: “Anne”, middle name: ”Marie” coming from the RIW system and “Anne-Marie” appearing on an ID. 

These ID matches will be rejected as the name cannot be verified as a correct match.

Photo Issue

ID check was received with an incorrect or poor quality photo. Please see What standard is required for a RIW identification photograph? for more information. 

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