Shift Management - How are open shifts closed in the RIW System?

RIW cardholders are expected to swipe out of every shift worked on a site and should be encouraged to swipe out as part of their daily site exiting process. Ideally, cardholders should swipe out of a site the same way that were swiped in. 

There may be instances where a cardholder cannot swipe out at a site due to a Kiosk not being available or the Access Controller having left the site.

This process is to provide guidance on automated system behaviour and how shifts may be closed for cardholders that have a swipe that is open from an outstanding previous shift, where working hour rules have been configured for a site.

PLEASE NOTE: It is industry best practice that all cardholders swipe out of every shift. Network Operators, Employers, Project Admins and Site Admins should encourage all site attendees to swipe in and out of sites to ensure a true record of shift length is recorded.

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Access Controller
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment
  • Employer Admin - Read Only
  • Helpdesk
  • Network Manager
  • Network Manager - Read Only
  • Project Admin
  • Site Admin
  • Rail Industry Worker (myRIW)

In all the scenarios below, any open shifts that are automatically closed will default to a 12 hour shift duration and the swipe event will have the Card Checker column recorded as automatic.

Scenario 1 - Cardholder does not swipe out (shift is open) and then swipes into a site at a Kiosk 

Where a cardholder has an open shift and swipes into a Kiosk on a subsequent shift, any previous shift that has not be signed out will automatically close and the cardholder will be swiped out from the previous shift. A 12 hour shift duration will be applied.

Scenario 2 - Cardholder does not swipe out (shift is open) and then swipes into a site with an Access Controller

Where a cardholder has an open shift and swipes in with an Access Controller on a subsequent shift, and then the Access Controller swipes out the cardholder on the current shift, any previous open shifts that have not be signed out will automatically close and the cardholder will be swiped out from all shifts. A 12 hour shift duration will be applied.

Scenario 3 - Muster List swipe out activity

An RIW System user from a Network Operator, Project or Site can produce a Muster List of all open shifts in the RIW System and can swipe out cardholders that have failed to sign out.  A 12 hour shift duration will be applied. For more information about this, please refer to How does a company manage the Muster List?

Scenario 4 - Automatic sign out after 24 hours

An RIW System generated script is run each day that closes any open shifts that occurred greater than 24 hours ago, if the shift is still open. A 12 hour shift duration will be applied.

Scenario 5 - Automatic sign out after planned RIW System service interruption

An RIW System generated script is run after a planned service interruption that closes any open shifts that occurred 12 hours ago, if the shift is still open. A 12 hour shift duration will be applied.

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