How to I request a swap for a faulty tablet?

If a RIW System enabled tablet device is faulty and requires repair offsite, a swap process has been implemented to expedite replacement and reduce the time of a site being out of operation.

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles: 

  • RIW System enabled tablet owners

Step 1: Contact the RIW Service Desk

Contact the RIW Service Desk on [email protected] and provide the following details:

  • Company name
  • Site name
  • Site contact name
  • Site contact mobile phone number
  • Site address
  • Device ID (if available). The Device ID is a sticker on the back of the tablet which starts with MTABLxxx (where x is a number). Earlier tablets may not have this asset sticker affixed.
  • Device serial number. This is the Microsoft device serial on the back of the tablet. To see this serial number you will need to remove the tablet from the case.
  • Ticket reference number (if issue logged previously)

If a ticket has been raised previously, you can just respond to the original ticket with this information.

Step 2: Replacement

A replacement tablet will be sent directly to the site.

Step 3: Return the faulty tablet

Once the replacement tablet has been received, the faulty tablet is to be packed in the same packaging and sent back to the providing shipping address within two (2) business days of receiving the replacement tablet.

Failure to send the faulty device within two (2) business days will result in a breach of the swap process and will incur a charge of a new tablet.

Each device needs to be carefully assessed before requesting a swap as any existing physical damage to the device, such as a cracked screen, will void warranty conditions and incur a charge of a new tablet.

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