How does an Assessor edit assessable competency dates

This article details how an Assessor can edit the award and expiry dates of Assessable competencies in the RIW System.

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Assessor


Go to and log in using your Assessor credentials.


This will display the Assessor Main Dashboard. 

Pending, approved and rejected job role assessments can be viewed on the My Job Role Assessments tile. If an item requires attention, a blue box with a number will display next to the tasks as per the above example.


Clicking on the Pending Job Role Assessments shortcut will load all pending job role assessments. The My Job Role Assessments screen will display and by default the Pending Assessment menu will be highlighted on the left hand side menu.

Click on the Rail Industry Worker that requires a job role assessment and click View Person.


The cardholder profile will now display.  Click on the National Competencies tab from the left-hand menu, and the all of the competencies on the cardholder's profile will display.  

Click on Edit Assessable Competency dates which will give the pop up to edit the award and expiry date.


The Edit Assessable Competency dates box will show the Competency Name, Code, Award Date and Expiy Date.
The Assessor can edit the award Date and Expiry date fields and click on save to update the dates.

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