How to Complete eLearning

This article details and provides instruction on how a company can:


  1. How to add a job role to an RIW cardholder profile and initiate an eLearning request
  2. How a company can send bulk E-Learning requests to RIW cardholders
  3. How a company send an E-Learning request to a non-RIW cardholder
  4. How a Rail Industry Worker can complete an E-Learning course


1. How does a company add a new job role to An RIW cardholders profile and send an e-Learning request via the role?


This article details how a company can add a job role to an RIW cardholder's profile and initiate an eLearning request.


Note: To add a job role to multiple people simultaneously, please refer to the RIW Knowledge Center article How can a company add job roles to multiple people?



Note: It is the Primary employer's responsibility to enrol the Cardholder into the relevant eLearning.

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin 
  • Employer Admin - No Payment

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and login using your credentials

Step 2: Search for My People

Click on the People tab or the Search For My People shortcut on the main dashboard.


Step 3: Enter search details

Enter cardholder details into the search field or leave blank and click on search to bring up the workforce.  Select the cardholder you wish to allocate a role to by highlighting their name and clicking on the Edit button.


Step 4: Add job role

Once the cardholder profile appears, click on the Job Roles tab on the left hand side menu, and then click the add button to add a new job role. 



Step 5: Assign job role

On the Assign Job Role pop-up, begin typing in the job role field and a drop-down list of available job roles will appear, for example V/Line - Operator. You must also enter a start date. 


NOTE: An end date is not required unless you want that role to drop off the workers profile on the “End Date” entered and become invalid.



Step 6: View missing or invalid competencies

Once a job role has been selected, it will list the competencies associated with the job role.  If the cardholder is missing any of the required competencies, a pop-up box will ask whether you wish to cancel the job role pending attainment of the required competencies. Or you may choose to allocate the job role anyway, enabling the cardholder to work towards fulfilling the job role, which is the recommended process. 


NOTE: Competencies listed as “At least one of the following” means one of the competence options must be uploaded to fulfill that group and “All of the following” means all competencies in that group must be uploaded.



Using the example below, the V/Line - Operator” role was selected and once added it will show if the role is “Valid”, if the required “Medical” & “D&A” is held and the “Valid” competencies and
 “Missing or Invalid “ competencies on the worker’s profile.


Competencies in red are missing competencies, and competencies in amber are invalid, i.e. expired or not verified and pending verification.


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To add a missing competency, just double click on the red link of the required missing competence, please ensure you are selecting the correct version that corresponds back to the evidence being uploaded, this will then take you to the Add Competencies screen to add the evidence.  Please refer to the article How does a company add a new competency to a Rail Industry Worker profile? for more information.


Step 7: To initiate an eLearning request to the cardholder


To initiate an eLearning request to the cardholder, select and highlight the role that requires eLearning i.e. the V/Line – Operator role and then select the “Request E-Learning” button” 


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Once requested, a pop-up box will appear and you can “Request” the desired eLearning requirement, once the “Request” button has been selected the cardholder will receive an email containing a link inviting them to complete the E-Learning course.


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Note: Multiple eLearning competencies may appear in the pop-up box, only request the eLearning required for the cardholder.


Once completed the certificate will automatically be uploaded onto the workers RIW profile.


2. How does a company send bulk E-Learning requests to RIW cardholders?

 Some competencies are available to be delivered as an E-Learning unit within the RIW System.  This article details how to send an E-Learning request to multiple RIW cardholders at once.


Note: Some E-Learning courses may be sent to non-RIW cardholders. Please refer to our RIW knowledge Centre article How does a company send an E-Learning request to non-RIW cardholders?


This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and log in using your credentials.


Step 2: E-Learning Tab

Click on the E-Learning tab from the top menu.


Step 3: Locate cardholder

Search for the cardholder you wish to allocate an E-Learning course to by entering their details in search fields and clicking Search. Leaving the search field blank will bring up the entire company workforce. The cardholder details will populate in the People section.


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Step 4: Populate selected people

Add the cardholder or cardholders to the Selected People list by highlighting the cardholder name and clicking on the Add button. The cardholders name will appear in Selected People.


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 Step 5: Issue E-Learning competency

Once all cardholders have been added to the Selected People list, find the required competency to issue by starting to type the name of the competency in the Competency field for example V/Line Contractor Corporate Induction (ELEARNING ONLY) - EL183” , or by pressing spacebar to bring up a drop down list of available competencies. Choose the required competency and click on the Add button.


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Step 6: E-Learning issued confirmation

A confirmation screen will appear advising that the E-Learning request has been sent to the cardholder(s). Click OK when complete.


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The cardholder will receive an email containing a link inviting them to complete the E-Learning course.


Step 7: Monitor E-Learning Requests

E-learning requests can be monitored via the Requests tab on the left hand side menu. Use the search fields to filter the results, such as whether the course had been completed, or date of request etc.


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3. How does a company send an E-Learning request to non-RIW cardholder?

This instruction is for companies who wish to enrol non-RIW cardholders into an E-Learning course. This can be achieved via a Service Request initiated from the RIW website. 

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles: 

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment
  • Employer Admin - Read Only
  • Helpdesk
  • Project Admin
  • Site Admin

Step 1: Complete Service Request

To request E-Learning Request for non-RIW Cardholder, go to  and select category & sub-category mentioned in the below screenshot:

Step 2: Complete details

Complete the details on the service request form, noting all fields with an asterisk(*) are compulsory. Select the appropriate course from the Course Name drop-down. Click Submit when complete.



Step 3: Email is sent to worker

Once the request has been submitted, a ticket will be raised with the RIW Service Desk, who will enrol the non-RIW cardholder into the RIW System.  Once the non-RIW cardholder has been enrolled, the RIW System will send an email to the non-RIW cardholder with their login details.



Step 4: Worker logs in

The non-RIW cardholder can now click on the provided link, which will take them to the E-Learning platform. They can log in with the username and temporary password assigned in their activation email.  Once logged in, they will be immediately be prompted to set a new password by entering the current password (the default as per the activation email), and then the new password. Click Save changes when complete.




Step 5: Workers accesses E-Learning Preferences

The non-RIW cardholder will then be taken to their preferences.  Click on the Dashboard menu item to proceed.



Step 6: Worker chooses course

The screen will then surface all the available e-learning courses available to the non-RIW cardholder.  Click on the course folder to access the course.


Step 7: Worker commences course

Click on the course title to commence the course, or if required, view and download the course certificate once completed.




IMPORTANT: Certificates should be downloaded and stored somewhere for safe-keeping in the event a non-RIW cardholder becomes an RIW cardholder, at which time, the competency can be uploaded to the new cardholders profile in the RIW System.


Step 8

To begin the course, click on the Enter button.


NOTE: You may be required to enable pop-up windows when clicking the Enter button.  To enable this, click Options in your browser and then Allow pop-ups for  



Alternatively, you can opt to launch manually (if directed by your browser).



Step 9: Course is completed

Once the course has been completed, the non-RIW cardholder will be taken back to this screen. The Non-RIW Cardholder can download the certificate of completion by clicking on the Course Name with the Certificate Icon.



Step 10: Obtain certificate

Click on the Get your Certificate button. Once clicked, a PDF will be opened with the Non-RIW Cardholder’s Certificate of Completion. This document can be downloaded directly to your desktop or nominated file location.



4. How does a Rail Industry Worker complete an E-Learning course?


This article describes how a Rail Industry Worker can log in to the RIW E-Learning platform, change their password and complete an issued E-Learning course.


Some E-Learning courses may require payment by the Rail Industry Worker. Course costs are set by the E-Learning Course Owner and can range in price from AUD$0-$40.00+GST.

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Rail Industry Worker 

Step 1: Enrolment 


When a Rail Industry Worker is enrolled in an E-learning course through the RIW System, the worker will receive an email requesting them to complete a course.


If the course is free, the Rail Industry Worker will receive the following email:


Subject:  Course completion requested



You are required to complete the following e-learning course:

Please click the following link to access your course:

Username: 20XXXXXXXX
 Temporary password: xxxxx_xxxxxxxx


If the course requires payment, the Rail Industry Worker will receive the following email:


Subject:  Course completion requested (payment required)



You are required to pay and complete the following e-learning course:

Please click the following link to access your course:

Username: 20XXXXXXXX
 Temporary password: xxxxx_xxxxxxxx


Click on the link in the email to access the RIW E-Learning platform.



Step 2: Logging in  


If accessing the E-Learning platform for the first time, enter the Username and Temporary Password provided in your email.


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You will then be promoted to change your password. Enter your Temporary Password in the Current password field, and then a New password and New password (again) to confirm. Click Save Changes.


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At the confirmation screen, click Continue.


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If you have completed an E-Learning course before, sign in with your previous credentials. Forgotten your password? Follow the instructions in How do I reset my E-Learning password?

Step 3: Payment   

If the course requires payment, the first step is to pay for the course. On the Enrolment Shopping Cart tile on the right of the screen, tick the box next to the course name and Submit.


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You will then be taken directly to PayPal to pay for the course. If you have a PayPal account already, enter your email or mobile number to get started. Else, just click on Pay with a Card and follow the prompts.

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 At the completion of the transaction, you will be returned to the RIW E-Learning platform. However, if this is process is interrupted, click on the link from your course completion email to return to the platform.


Step 4: Accessing the course  

The Dashboard will display all courses that you have been enrolled in.  To access the course, click the course name under Current Learning.

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You will then be taken to the My Courses page. Once again, click on the course name to start the course.

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 Step 5: Completing the course  


The course may contain slides, images, videos or an assessment component, such as a multiple-choice quiz. Follow the onscreen prompts to progress through the E-Learning course.

On successful completion of the course, you can get a copy of your certificate by clicking on Certificate.


Note: The certificate is immediately and automatically added to your RIW profile on completion of the E-Learning course. 


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Then click on Get your certificate.

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The certificate will open in a new browser pop-up (be sure to enable pop-ups).


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