How does a cardholder complete an ID check?

When a Primary Employer registers a new Rail Industry Worker (RIW) in RIW System, the cardholder will need to undertake an ID check as part of their onboarding. The worker will receive an email with a link to complete an ID check by our partner, GBG. 

The Rail Industry Worker should follow the instructions and upload the required identification documents as per the requirements outlined in our article What identification documents does a cardholder require to complete an ID check?

Once the ID check process has been paid for and requested, the Rail Industry Worker will have 10 days to complete the application before the link expires. If they do not complete the ID check within this time, the Employer will need to purchase a new ID check and start the ID check process again.

An RIW card can not be ordered until an ID check has been successfully completed.

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Rail Industry Worker


When a new RIW profile has been created by a primary employer, the Rail Industry Worker will receive the following email:


Before starting the application, you should have your identity documentation to hand.  Check what documents can be used during by referring to What identification documents does a cardholder require to complete an ID check?

Click on Start Application.


You will be taken to the RIW ID Check website to undertake the ID check. 

NOTE: If you encounter a message such as Access Denied, please contact the RIW Service Desk on 1300 101 682 or [email protected].

If you have trouble accessing the page, please try another browser or using incognito mode.


Enter your Date of Birth using the to verify your application and click Login.


On the Identity Check screen, you can check if your Employer has recorded your personal details correctly. These details must match those recorded on your identity documents.  

If correct, check box indicating "I have verified all the personal details and it is correct" and click and Continue

NOTE: If you mark the photo as incorrect, the following warning will display: 

Clicking on Submit will end the ID check and your employer will be requested to resubmit and pay for a new ID check.


If this is your first ID check (i.e you have not previously successfully passed an ID check in the RIW system, you will have the ability to update any of the following details:
  • First Name
  • Second Name
  • Last Name
  • DOB
  • Email
  • Phone

If this is NOT your first ID check, then you will have the ability to update any of the following details:

  • Email
  • Phone

To Update your details, click Edit and once you have made the changes click Update

When your details are all correct and match the details which are on your identification document/s, click Continue

If you update your details, these will be immediately reflected in the RIW system.  


When you have confirmed your personal details, the Identity Check screen will display.

From the list located at What identification documents does a cardholder require to complete an ID check?, start uploading the required document(s). 

Choose Primary Documents or Secondary Documents.

The system will automatically 


In the following example, and Primary Document is selected, you will be asked to select the document form the drop down list:

In the example of a Drivers Licence, you will be asked to upload both sides of the licence:

The system will automatically populate the data feilds with the data extracted form your document:

Review the Licence Number, Card Number, First Name, Middle Name or Surname. If you need assistance to understand where to find the Licence Number and Card Number, please click on the Not sure where to find the different numbers on your card? link.

NOTE: Whilst the system will scan your document, please double check that the extracted data matches the information on your document supplied before pressing Verify. 

NOTE: The following will be displayed in the event that the scanned document is: of poor quality (including blurry, has glare, has shadows), not the document type selected or your photo does not match the photo on your RIW profile. 

You will have three (3) opportunities to reupload your documents before the ID check will return an Unsuccessful response, in which a new ID check will need to be requested and paid for. 

Click Verify.


The Result screen will appear.  This confirms that the ID check has been lodged and has being processed.


Once the ID check has been processed, you and your employer will receive an RIW ID Check - Status Update email advising the outcome status of the ID check, whether successful or unsuccessful.

Our ID check service partner GBG references directly with government identification services (DVS), and if an exact match is made, the application will be processed almost immediately. 

For further information about ID checks that are rejected, please refer to How does a company manage a rejected ID check or resubmit an ID check?

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