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How does a Medical Provider User record a medical result?
This article details how a Medical Provider User (Authorised Health Professional) can record a medical result in the RIW System for a RIW cardholder.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Medical Provider User
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and log in to the RIW System using your Medical Provider credentials.
Step 2: Record medical result
Click the Record Medical Result button in the Medicals shortcut box on the Main Dashboard to display the following screen:
Step 3: Search for cardholder
To search for a cardholder enter the cardholders surname, RIW number and date of birth.
Note: All three key pieces of information must be entered correctly to access the RIW cardholders profile.
Click Search to display the cardholder details.
Step 4: Select cardholder
Highlight the cardholder and click Select to access the cardholders profile and record the medical result.
Step 5: Record medical result
When the cardholders profile displays, click on the Medicals tab on the left hand side menu, and then Record Medical Result icon.
Step 6: Record medical result details
The Record Medical Results screen will display. Enter all mandatory data fields marked with a red asterisk (*).
The cardholder’s details and name of the logged in Medical Provider User and their organisation will be automatically populated on the form, as well as today’s date for the Examination Date and the appropriate Expiry Date. This is calculated based on the age of the cardholder and on the examination date, which is detailed in our RIW Knowledge Centre article What are the medical categories and expiry calculations used in the RIW System?. If the examination date was earlier than today, it can be amended, and the auto-calculated Expiry Date will be updated accordingly.
Enter all the remaining relevant information into the appropriate fields, selecting the Type of Medical, Result and Medical Level and Colour Vision from the dropdown lists presented. Be sure to complete all the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk (*).
If it is appropriate to specify one or more Work Restrictions, tick the relevant checkbox(es). If Must Be Accompanied is ticked, the user will be prompted “Have you discussed with your CMO?”, which is a prompt for the AHP to contact the Chief Medical Officer to discuss if any notes needed to be included with the work restriction.
The list of Work Restrictions can be updated after submission if required by contacting the RIW Service Desk on [email protected]
Add any Notes (not clinical information) by typing in the text box provided.
Supporting documentation (maximum file size 10Mb) must also be attached to the record in the following formats: PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG. Medical Provider Users can drag and drop the required files onto the Select Files screen, or Click to Add Files. Click OK when all files have been added.
Note: The medical result will not be valid until an attachment has been added. Until then, any previous medical will apply when determining competency or role validity.
Note: The Medical Level selected can impact the cardholder’s competency and job role validity.
When all the information has been entered correctly, click the Save button and confirm the result, when prompted.
The medical assessment has now been uploaded.
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