How can a company view competencies pending verification?

Competencies can be set up in the system as requiring evidence and or verification. If a competency has been defined as requiring evidence and verification, all uploaded evidence will be submitted to the RIW Service Desk for verification. 

The RIW Service Desk review the submitted evidence against the Business Rules which have been developed by industry. The Business Rules provide consistency and an agreed minimum acceptance criteria for the verification of competency across RIW Program participants.

Where a competency has been submitted for verification, the progress of the competencies that are awaiting evidence verification can be monitored and maintained via the Competencies Pending Verification shortcut.

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Advanced Project Admin
  • Employer Admin
  • Employer Admin - No Payment
  • Employer Admin - Read Only

Please note that users with Employer Admin - Read Only credentials cannot edit or change information detailed in this article.  These users have read only access.

Step 1: Log in to the RIW System

Go to and login using your credentials. 

Step 2: Competencies tab

Click on the Competencies tab from the tabs along the top of the page.

Step 3: Competencies Pending Verification shortcut

Click on the Competencies Pending Verification shortcut

Step 4: Listing of Pending Competencies to be Verified

A list of all the Standard verification competencies will appear.

Please note only pending verification and rejected competencies will be displayed.

This list can be filtered and restricted by the following:

Standard of Fast Track

By clicking on either of these buttons, only the Standard or Fast Track verification pending competencies will appear

Search Criteria

To search for a specific pending competency(ies), use the search criteria to narrow the search

Primary Employed Only

Tick the Primary Employed Only box to restrict the search to pending verification competencies awarded to primarily employed cardholders only.

Step 5: Rejected verification

A list of all competencies that have been rejected at verification can be created by setting the Status Criteria to Rejected

Step 6: Management for rejected verifications

Highlight the competency to be actioned and the following management can be performed

View Person 

Check the profile of the cardholder.

View Verification Notes

Check the reason for the rejection and take corrective action if required.

Edit Dates

Editing the Award Date or the Expiry Date may be the corrective action


Resubmission can be performed by clicking on the Resubmit button.

Competencies should only be resubmitted for verification after corrective action has been performed to rectify the rejection.

Resubmit can be done as a Standard or a Fast Track verification by clicking the appropriate radio button. If fast track is chosen, a fee will be payable.

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