How does a cardholder end an association relationship in myRIW?

This article details how a cardholder can end their association relationship with a company in myRIW.  

Associated companies have advance visibility of a cardholder before they arrive on site. This is typically used to ensure a cardholder is compliant with the company's work requirements ahead of time. An associated company has view only rights to the cardholders profile, but can add competencies and job roles to the profile. For more information please refer to What are the different types of cardholder relationships in the RIW System?

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Rail Industry Worker (myRIW)


Go to and log in using your credentials.


Click on the Employers & Associations tile.


Under the Associations section, locate the relationship to be ended and click on the End Association.


On the End Association pop-up, click Confirm.


The association should no longer appear in the Associations section and is effective immediately.

For more information about ending an employment relationship, please refer to How does a cardholder end their employment relationship with an employer in myRIW?

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