How are competencies created?

This article details how to request the creation of a new competency in the RIW System, which can then be used to award competencies to cardholders.  The following table provides detail on the competency categories and the parties that can request their creation. 


Competency categoryApplies toWho can request / authorise
NationalAll RIW networksNational Rail Industry Worker Operations Committee or National Rail Industry Worker Matrices Committee
NetworkA specific networkNetwork Operator
Employer basedA specific employerPremium Functionality Employer
Project basedA specific projectEmployer or Contractor in Charge
Site basedA specific siteEmployer or Contractor in Charge
Zone basedA specific zoneEmployer or Contractor in Charge

NOTE:  Only authorised representatives for each category or organisation are able to create a competency.

This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:

  • Helpdesk
  • Network Manager
  • Network Manager - Read Only
  • Employer Administrator (Premium Functionality Employer)
  • Advanced Project Administrator
  • Project Administrator
  • Site Administrator

Step 1: Raise a Service Request

Go to by selecting category and sub-category mentioned in the below screenshot:

Step 2: Complete the Service Request

Fill in the required information, noting that some fields are marked mandatory (*).  

Step 3: Lodge the Service Request

Once complete, click the Send button to submit the request.  The RIW Service Desk will issue a ticket number and contact the authorised representative if further information is required.

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